The beautiful types of team members can easily be changed, meta inside or outside it’s your choice.
Josh Parker
Zoe Sparrow
Senior Web Developer
Zoe Sparrow
Web Developer
Type - Meta Inside
Gather together all the info of the team member inside the hover type, you can also change the hover style.
Josh Parker
Zoe Sparrow
Senior Web Developer
Mathias Williams
Web Developer
Hover Style - Hide
Switching the hover style is not the all, you can simply turn it off and hide the hover.
Josh Parker
Zoe Sparrow
Web Developer
Mathias Williams
Senior Web Developer
Hover Style - Scale
Very interactive hover style can be switched easily and make your team members look really creative.
Josh Parker
Zoe Sparrow
Web Developer
Mathias Williams
Senior Web Developer
It’s simple and very easy to change the typography of the team to more than 600 different google fonts.
Josh Parker
Zoe Sparrow
Web Developer
Mathias Williams
Senior Web Developer
Layout - Grid
Start adding team members in a great looking grid, with plenty of options that can be mixed together.
Josh Parker
Zoe Sparrow
Web Developer
Mathias Williams
Senior Web Developer
Carousel Layout
Create fully responsive carousel slides with team members, tons of options are included to enhance speed, animation and much more.
Josh Parker
Zoe Sparrow
Web Developer
Mathias Williams
Senior Web Developer
Annie Olsson
Graphic Designer
Josh Parker
Web Designer
Metro Layout
Use the metro layout powered by packery plugin that fills empty gaps, order them quickly as you wish.
Josh Parker
Zoe Sparrow
Senior Back-End
Mathias Williams
Senior Back-End
John Doe
Clark Wesley
Project Manager
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